Moving, Merging, Consolidating...Simplifying!

Welcome to my new blog home, {INSPIRED Simplicity}!
Please come in.

I just finished moving my weblogs and I'm finally unpacked (merged, consolidated and simplified that is). Please update your links to my new address. I look forward to hearing from you.

Kindly pardon the dust during this simplification process as I merge my previous two sites, My Life and My Soul, for after all they are one and the same. In efforts to live up to my new blog title and to live my passion in simplicity, I hope you find this new site much simpler and improved as I try to consolidate and, well, keep things simple. In moving forward, I hope to incorporate tips and resources that not only inspire me but that I also find to be very useful in my quest for a simple, authentic and balanced life. May {INSPIRED Simplicity} bring out the simple pleasures and treasures of the simple life.

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