Isabella is truly enjoying her classes. She is the first one to take a shower in the morning and always rushing us to get ready. She is so thrilled and can't wait to learn and train. After we pick her up, while walking, she is full of excitement and can't wait to tell her stories and show what she learned. As soon as we get to the hotel, she puts on her pointe shoes and shows me what she has learned with total bliss. Then she changes to different shoes from ballet flats, to jazz shoes, to character shoes to show me what she learned in each class. She does this every night....something she has done in the past after every dance class. This reaffirms her passion for this art, putting to rest the bit of worry I had about "burn out" issue I heard regarding young kids taking intensives. She even prays loudly as we walk thanking God for this opportunity. Then she thanks me and calls her dad to thank him....brings tears to my eyes. She also thanks her brother Ian for being with us. Ian has been a great "bodyguard" for us. He is so concerned for us especially his little sister. He always holds her hand and makes sure she is safe all the time. He worries if we might be running late to pick her up. He even watched Twilight for his little sister:) I feel so blessed and I am so grateful.
Day 4 - Wednesday - June 30, 2010
Ian and I stopped at the church beside our hotel.
Then we spent time at Borders with our laptops.
Foodlife at Water Tower
Day 5 - Thursday - July 1, 2010
watched Isabella from Borders across the street from Joffrey.
shopping with Ian at H&M
shopping with Belle at Zara
Day 6 - Friday - July 2, 2010
Finally started feeling better. Still has lingering cough and asthma but thank God back pain almost gone.
Shopping with Ian at Nordstrom Rack and Anne taylor
watched Twilight
pooped when we got to the hotel....ordered room service
more photos to follow. Got to go now....visiting museums today.