{To My Children}

Dear Phil, Immanuel, Ian and Belle,

I thank God for you every single day. I thank HIM for giving me the best children any mother could ever have and hope for. I thank you, my babies (you will always be my babies), for helping and teaching me to be the best mother I could be. I love you beyond measure, or, as you so cleverly put it, to infinity and beyond.

You're sent to me from above
All four of you whom I truly love
As I scan and look
through the pages of my scrapbook
From baseball to cub scouting to taekwondo
I thought I was molding you ...
All along you were honing, shaping
my skills on parenting
I thought I was leading you...
All along you were honing, shaping
leading me to the best I can be
To others I'm a supermom it seems
No, not even in my dreams
never did I see
a mother I could be.

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