SFBallet Student Showcase Update

In my previous post below I ended with a prayer request. I claimed God's promise in John 16:24, The Assurance of Answered Prayer: "Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." And last night we received the assurance of answered prayer and our joy was indeed complete. God is so good and amazing. Not only did a ticket manifest for my DH Russ to be able to watch our daughter's moment of glory....there were exactly 3 seats and they were the first 2 rows. I sat with Russ the first half. Isabella came in the 2nd half and sat with dad while I moved to the vacant seat in front. God is so awesome.

It is so amazing how God orchestrated and set the stage for this answered prayer to happen. I am so thankful for the concern of ballet moms who thought of us and helped spread the word that we needed tickets desperately. One ballet dad from our class had an extra adult and child tickets as his friends couldn't make it. It was exactly what we prayed for (thanks to my bible study group and special friends).

I claimed the prayer and asked Russ to come with us with pure trust that God will provide. And He gave more than we asked. I am in awe and deeply grateful. Praise God!

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